Friday, October 1, 2010

What's Up?

Hey! It's been forever since I've checked this blog, although I've meant to a million times. But now it seems to be non-functional. I thought I'd try to post something and see what happens.
And by the way, I am LOVING reading through the Bible!!! I am so excited to be in the New Testament now too. Don't you just love Jesus?!!! It is so beautiful how He came and is the fulfillment of the tender mercy and faithful love of God that the Father had been trying to tell us about all through the Old Testament. I am amazed! God is sooooo good, and He loves us soooooo much!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Lord Speaks

Like many of you, I have been trying diligently to stay on track and keep up with my readings. Some days it's easy while other days it's hard. This morning the Lord woke me up at 6:15. I really felt that He had a word for me. I was five days behind in my reading so I had a lot of Proverbs to cover today. Today several verses resonated with me, but one in particular but my heart at peace. In Proverbs 19:21 it says "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." This morning the Lord spoke to me. Over the last four years our family has been on a journey that we never expected to be on. It has caused heartache, stress, confusion and insecurity. But all of it has been for our good because the Lord's purpose for our lives will prevail. It might not be what we had in mind, but it's exactly what God has designed. Thank you Father!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Confessions ...

I confess that I have not always been diligent in my reading and that at times it has become heavy and redundant. Wanting to take a break from the depressing situation if the Israelites I decided to take refuge in the New Testament ... only while there, I was hit upside the head with my own reality. You see, I live in a place where the scriptures are all too real. Our holidays revolve around the history of the Israelites and the New Testament scoldings of Paul to the believers of HIS time are actually OUR everyday task. So, with convictions I returned to the Torah and am plugging away alongside you once more ....

As I was reading about the temple I decided to post some pictures of the Tabernacle that we run here in the Land. I hope you will enjoy them and gain some insight to what the Israelites carried through the desert.

Picture of the Tabernacle in the Negev Desert.

Tablets in the Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant

Before entering the Holy of Holies

Outer Court

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just checking in.....

It's been a while since there has been a new post so I thought I would post something in hopes that others would do the same. I really enjoy reading what other people are learning from God's Word. Reading through the Old Testament has been really tedious for me, but I am so glad that I have continued to read and learn about God and His love for His people. Those sweet Israelites seemed to be such a mess. One minute they obeyed and then the next they rebelled. Once the rebellion wasn't so fun, they repented and the cycle began all over again. When reading about this it's so quick for me to form an opinion about them. I mean, really? God did so much for the Israelites and they couldn't even stay focused and serve Him? Interestingly enough, that pretty much describes me at different stages in my life. Thankfully when I thought I didn't need God anymore, He never left me. Hallelujah for God's love and grace.

Now I am off to read about David and Saul. I love how God used the "ruddy, young boy" to lead the Israelites. God can use all of us if we are willing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Preparation to receive the Promise

I have loved our reading in Deuteronomy so far, and want to post about a few things that have jumped out to me over the past few days. Our God never ceases to amaze me! He knows exactly what we need and takes good care of us, even when we are distracted by our suffering and pain and can't see Him working. If we take a minute to look back prayerfully, we can see His fingerprints touching each moment of our experiences. He was there the whole time carrying us. Now, to Deuteronomy...
*I love 2:7, "For the Lord your God has blessed you in everything you have done. He has watched your every step through this great wilderness. During these forty years, the Lord your God has been with you, and you have lacked nothing."
*I need to trust and obey God, and not fear any giants.
*God will give territory to whoever he wants. Our territories have bounds we're supposed to stay in. Sometimes God may use someone else to finish fulfilling the vision He gave us. It's all for His glory!
*I must not forget all God has done for me.
*I must have no idols! If I mess up, I must quickly run to Jesus, repent, and seek Him with all of my heart and soul. He will forgive me. He is merciful. He will not abandon or destroy me. :)
*God is God and there is no other! He will let us see Him and hear Him because He loves us! He has rescued us from slavery, and now we must obey Him and stay on the path He has commanded us to follow.
*I must listen carefully to God and obey Him as long as I live- I wanna live loving Jesus! - and He will bless me.
*If God blesses us with prosperity or success, we must not forget Him. I can't do anything of value on my own. If any good comes from my life it is because God did it! I must never allow pride to inflate my ego. I must be humble and grateful for every time God chooses to use me or bless me.
*I've gotta quit complaining! It doesn't honor God. I need to remember God's goodness to me, and teach it to my children. We were slaves to sin, but Jesus set us free! Hallelujah! He made me holy. I belong to Him. I am His special treasure and He loves me! He has rescued me from slavery and oppression! I don't need to be afraid anymore! Hallelujah!
*So, why am I having to go through this wilderness? It is to humble me and test me to prove my character, and to find out if I'll obey God. (Unfortunately, it ain't always been pretty.) I have to learn to depend on God and trust Him. He disciplines me for my good because He loves me. :) And I love Him so much! I really want to please Him and not mess up so much.
*I need to walk with Jesus and praise Him for every blessing. I must be very careful to stay near Him and take no blessing for granted. When He empowers me to be successful, I must give Him all of the glory, honor and praise! Ya'll, my life is so messed up, if anything good comes from it it is surely the hand of God!
*I also need to remember that if I turn away from God and turn to idols, it'll destroy me. I don't want to be destroyed, but more than that I don't want to be far from my God who loves me.
Oh Father, please never let me wander from you. Hold my hand tight and help me walk with You. I love You so much! Hallelujah! Amen.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blessed and not cursed

Ya'll, I've been seriously struggling lately with why God doesn't seem to be helping me much when I am so obviously overwhelmed by stress. I was feeling forgotten or abandoned, even though I knew that wasn't true. God has shown me lately that I need to quit focusing on all of the obstacles and problems, and trust in Jesus anyway. I need to be thankful for all He has done, and all He has given me. I need to praise Him because He is worthy! Just because I can't see what God is doing right now doesn't mean that He isn't doing anything.
So today we read about Balaam and how Balak tried to hire him to curse God's people. But every time Balak would take Balaam to a place to look out over Israel, God would tell him to bless them. He talked about how they were beautiful and victorious. God was looking on them with great love and proclaiming blessings over them! But, all the while, the Israelites were still in the wilderness, totally oblivious to any of that.
How foolish of me to ever think that my God, who gave His One and only Son for me, might abandon me! He loves me more than I could ever comprehend! And nobody can take His blessing away from me. I am forever His, forever loved, forever blessed. Hallelujah! I still don't know why He is allowing some things to continue to press in on me, but I know He has good plans for me and will bring me into His promised land. :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Thank-you everyone ,,,Our Lord answered our prayers...we have a  healthy baby girl!!!
The doctor said she is perfect in every way !!
   Thank-you  my sweet Jesus