Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!!!!

Just in case some of you are in the same boat as Stacy and you have not gotten your hands on the Chronological Bible yet......tomorrow we are reading Genesis 1:1-3:24. I am SOOOOOO excited about this journey. I can hardly wait to dig into the Word first thing tomorrow. Love ya'll!
Hey guys!

So we're due to start reading tomorrow, but my Bible hasn't come in yet. Can someone post the sections we're supposed to be reading so I can follow along in my regular Bible until my chronological comes in? Thanks, this is going to be great!

With lots of love, Stacy

Monday, December 28, 2009

Life and Peace

Our blog has 20 followers! I am so encouraged by how many ladies, precious friends, are joining in this adventure.

I thought I would share a little of the history behind our blog's title. It comes from Romans 8:6. "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace" As I was reading through Romans a few weeks ago, I felt like I was reading chapter 8 for the very first time. I came to verse 6 and a light bulb went off... that's what I want: LIFE and PEACE! It's what I want for myself and it is also what I want for my friends, my sisters, even for strangers.

I'm praying that as we read through the Bible this year and grow to understand our Lord better, that our minds will truly be controlled by the Spirit and we will be ladies of life and peace.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Instructions for Blogger Newbies

Just in case I am not the only newbie to the blogging world, I have decided to give a few instructions. Tina is going to add each of the blog followers as "authors." This means that you will be able to start new posts. After reading your Bible, if you have something to share with the group, start a new post and tell us about it. Of course, if you would like to add a comment or question to someone else's post you can easily do so by writing a comment. So, a new idea will be a new post, but conversation related to an existing post will be written as comments.

To write a new post, click on "access" in the uppper right hand corner. (It may not actually say access, my toolbar is in Spanish. So, I'm not sure what it says in English.) You will need to sign in using your email account username and password. After signing in, the instructions are clear.

We are also going to make the blog a "closed" environment, so that only followers are able to view what we write.

Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wow! This is going to be fun!

I just logged on and saw all of the friends that have already joined us for this journey! This is going to be a blast! Welcome, welcome, welcome! We are thrilled that you are here. A few house keeping items to help this thing go smoothly.
1. If you have already signed up, add a picture to your profile. We want to see what you look like! Oh, and introduce yourself in the comments section too. :)
2. The easiest way for you to "stay in the know" is to become a follower of the blog. You should see the option on the right hand side of the blog. This way, you will not miss any of the chatting we will be doing.
3. We want you all to be able to write posts as your heart is led. In order to do that, I need you to send me an email and give me the email address that you used to register for the site. I will then add your address to the list of approved writers. Sorry it is a bit complicated. Send it to
4, Feel free to invite your friends. The more the merrier!
5. Don't forget in all the hustle and bustle of the season to buy your Chronological Bible so you will be ready to start on January 1. Of course, you can use the precious Bible that you already have too.

Ok, I think that is all for now. I really am excited about what God is going to do in all of our lives!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Welcome to the blog!

Tina is going to invite each new member to be an author on the blog, so that we will each have the opportunity to share our thoughts.

Tell us about yourself! We want each author to write a quick introduction, so I will go first.

I am Janna Smith. I am super excited about reading through the NIV Chronological Bible during 2010. I am currently serving with the IMB and have spent the last year learning Spanish. Tomorrow morning I am flying to Mexico to begin the "real work" of a missionary. I love to tell people about Jesus, but I am a little nervous about the adventure that lies ahead.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All About Us

Ladies of Life and Peace is a small group of women connected over thousands of miles by our love for Jesus and our desire to live wholly pleasing lives. This is a private blog, open by invitation only to women who are committed to read through the NIV chronological bible during 2010. We desire to encourage one-another by being honest and real. We desire to provide an opportunity to express what God is teaching us through His Word. We desire to grow together through fellowship and accountability.