Wednesday, March 3, 2010


When reading about the Israelites I hate to say it, but I would have probably acted the same way that they did. Enough manna already, let's get some real food - meat. How interesting it is that God had delivered them out of slavery and provided them with everything that they needed. He asked them to build a tent of meeting and He provided all the resources to do it. He asked them to make offerings to Him and He provided everything necessary for that to be done. He was carrying them through an unknown land, and they began to complain. I probably would have done it too.

Today I have realized that I need to be grateful for the manna that God has continued to provide in my life. Why should I think that I deserve better - the meat? God has given me every tool necessary to love and serve Him. He has provided me with so much.

Lord, please forgive me when I complain when I really have nothing to complain about. Thank you for meeting my needs and loving me enough to forgive me when I become selfish. I pray that I will trust you when you lead me into unknown areas. You are with me always and I am so thankful.

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