Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Confessions ...

I confess that I have not always been diligent in my reading and that at times it has become heavy and redundant. Wanting to take a break from the depressing situation if the Israelites I decided to take refuge in the New Testament ... only while there, I was hit upside the head with my own reality. You see, I live in a place where the scriptures are all too real. Our holidays revolve around the history of the Israelites and the New Testament scoldings of Paul to the believers of HIS time are actually OUR everyday task. So, with convictions I returned to the Torah and am plugging away alongside you once more ....

As I was reading about the temple I decided to post some pictures of the Tabernacle that we run here in the Land. I hope you will enjoy them and gain some insight to what the Israelites carried through the desert.

Picture of the Tabernacle in the Negev Desert.

Tablets in the Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant

Before entering the Holy of Holies

Outer Court

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just checking in.....

It's been a while since there has been a new post so I thought I would post something in hopes that others would do the same. I really enjoy reading what other people are learning from God's Word. Reading through the Old Testament has been really tedious for me, but I am so glad that I have continued to read and learn about God and His love for His people. Those sweet Israelites seemed to be such a mess. One minute they obeyed and then the next they rebelled. Once the rebellion wasn't so fun, they repented and the cycle began all over again. When reading about this it's so quick for me to form an opinion about them. I mean, really? God did so much for the Israelites and they couldn't even stay focused and serve Him? Interestingly enough, that pretty much describes me at different stages in my life. Thankfully when I thought I didn't need God anymore, He never left me. Hallelujah for God's love and grace.

Now I am off to read about David and Saul. I love how God used the "ruddy, young boy" to lead the Israelites. God can use all of us if we are willing.