Monday, February 15, 2010

God is so merciful and gracious

It's been kinda tough for me to get through all the tabernacle specs we've been reading lately, but God does usually use something to get my attention. Today it was God's instructions about Aaron and his sons. God wanted them cleansed, consecrated, and anointed to serve as His priests. He wanted them to have very beautiful and elaborate clothing filled with symbolism and representing the holy calling of God. This was for Aaron, his sons, and all their future descendants. God chose Aaron by name, had-picked him, and set him and his family apart as special servants of God forever. God would also care for them and provide for them forever. Can you imagine a more incredible honor?

Ya'll, this is the same Aaron that we read about just a few days ago, who made a gold calf and told the people- "Here's your god that brought you out of Egypt!" We're talking serious idolatry here. I'm not judging him, we don't know what we'd have done in his shoes. Maybe he was afraid of the people. Maybe he thought God had forgotten about them, since they hadn't heard or seen Moses or God for more than a month. Don't we often run quickly to idols when we can't see God working in our lives? We don't really like to wait on God to fill the deep needs of our souls, and we try to fill ourselves with other idols- like relationships, food, materials, or whatever. Waiting on God can be very hard. Sometimes we mess up pretty bad.

But then there is the glorious mercy and grace of God! Hallelujah! If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Amazing, really. God did not reject Aaron or throw him away. God forgave him completely. God called him to minister in the presence of His holiness! God blessed Aaron and his whole family. And not just them, but the whole family of Israel. When they'd completed everything God had instructed, He came and stayed with them, giving them a physical manifestation of His presence with them. He made sure they ALL knew He was with them, and He did this throughout all their journeys! God is so good!

Oh Father, we would love to see Your manifest presence in our lives, guiding us. I pray that we and our families would see You and follow You. Please forgive us for the times we've trusted in anything besides You. Please show us where You are so we can stay with You and follow You. We love You so much Father. Thank You for being so merciful and gracious to us. You are holy, and You are good. Hallelujah. Amen.

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