Wednesday, February 17, 2010


   I am posting several lessons, I could not leave this alone. I think it's my favorite... I love the Tabernacle!  Brezalel made the Ark out of shittim wood , inside and out covered with gold - Just as much wood as gold. Just as much God as man .
   It's all in my mind the colors, Gold-diety, talking about God. Silver-mans redemption. Brass- judgment of God. Blue- heavenly nature of Christ. Purple- Royalty, King of Kings. Scarlet-color of shed blood of Jesus. Fine Linen-white- speaks of righteousness, pure and clean.
   Then the goats hair-picture of sin. Rams skin dyed red-shed blood of Christ. Badgers skin-outward appearance of Jesus. Shittim wood-humanity of Christ. Oil- picture of the holy spirt of God. Spices- Aroma - picture of prayer. Onyx -stones in breastplate-picture of bearing burden over heart,
   I see the fence, walking in the gate on the east side the brazen alter next the Laver then going through the outer veil into the Holy Place with the table of show bread on the right the candlestick on the left and the alter of incense before the inner veil and then into the Holiest of Holies. This is where the Ark of the Covenant is, the lid is the mercy seat (copperith) with two cheribum looking down. Inside the Ark, Arrons rod that budded - Resurrection. Pot of Manna-picture of living bread and the Ten Commandments (second set) we could not keep the law so He kept it for us. He is the Ark.
   I have probably got carried away, I wanted to talk about the Laver (word of God) and that it was made of brass from the looking glass of the ladies and how when we walk with God we get our feet dirty in this world and with our hands we should all work for God .The word is the mirror- when we look into the word of God we get a true reflection of what we really are. Washing of the word!
  I am also thankful that we do not have to worry about offerings that we can go straight to our Father. That we can have  Relationship, Fellowship and Worship. You see without relationship there is no fellowship and when fellowship is broken there is no worship.
  Thank-you Lord , it is ALL so awesome !!!

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