Friday, February 19, 2010


Okay, at first today's reading seemed tedious to me again. When I finished it I laughed and said, "Lord, this kinda sounds like disease control regulations." Then I realized that once again it shows the goodness of God. And I prayer journaled:
This reading seems to be health instructions. The allowed animals to eat are less disease-prone than those not allowed. Then women are given time to heal after child birth. Then disease control for skin disorders is given. :) You were trying to help them live healthy. But, You could've miraculously healed them. Why didn't You offer that? You were there with them. Obviously You allowed (and still allow) sickness and disease. Why is that? Is it to remind us of our frail mortality? Is it so we will seek You more and depend on You more? Maybe sometimes we need to be forced to rest. But for children, like Ben and Julia, it seems a very heavy cross to bear. It's hard to understand Lord. But I know You are good, and You have good plans for their lives. You love them deeply. I pray their illnesses wouldn't break them, but would strengthen their faith and trust in You. Please carry them when it's just too hard. Please have mercy and compassion on them and on all of us, and heal us or give us Your grace to endure our sufferings of all kinds. I love You. Help me, and all of us, keep trusting You, even when we don't understand things. Thank You for Your love, which is better than life. Amen.

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