Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Overwhelming Task

When reading today's passage, I began to feel overwhelmed. How in the world were the ISraelites really going to be able to make this tabernacle and altar that God was asking them to build? God was extremely specific when he told Moses what to do. What a task!!! I can't hardly even follow a recipe. I would have been completely overwhelmed. I can only imagine the time and effort that went into making this ark. The Israelites had no power tools, no sewing machines, no rulers. How in the world would they be able to get the hide of a sea cow? (Exodus 26:14) God told them exactly what to do and the Israelites would get it done.

Today I learned that if God asks you to do something, no matter how elaborate or difficult, He will provide the plan and resources to get it done.


  1. Overwhelming task- that is exactly how I felt about this latest task I believe God wants me to do. I have messed up so much in my life, I keep thinking God could find lots of other people who could do a better job of showing these people that He loves them. But I feel like He's chosen me to do this. I'm scared to death I'll mess up. Yet, I do understand condemnation to some degree, and I know God can forgive anything and love anyone. So maybe my broken, messed up life can show people the grace and love of God in its own unique way. Still, I'm going to need to stay on my knees and seek God fervently as I step out into some uncomfortable and shady places. And I'll need you keeping me accountable and praying for me too.
    And Leigh, there is no doubt in my mind that God has appointed you as His missionary to kids at TCCHS. You reflect the love and acceptance of Jesus to them. And you may be the only place some of them will ever see that. I pray God will continue to call that poor, athiestic, deeply wounded boy to Himself. His love can break through that thick barrier. I pray God will give you wisdom and guidance as to what to do or say. God bless you Leigh.
    You know, since that last study we did, I've been praying that we would see God work some miracles in our lives. How awesome would it be for us to see these people get saved! I can't imagine a better miracle! I pray it will be so.
