Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Admission

Ok so i have to admit that i have been reading the scripture and reading the posts,
but as i shared with Leigh on Sunday at Church ....THIS IS HARD TO READ!!!!!
I have spent so much time in the new testament recently and though it is not always happy and positive i want POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING when i read.
As usual God has another plan for me.......I feel like He is telling me to
spend more time looking for others who are struggling and DO SOMETHING to help
them. It is so easy or easier for me to just go through my life and live in it
then to look around and get involved in others lives who might truly need
to hear a positive word or have something positive done for them.
Today i read through the passage and got to Job 28:28 and realized again
what a powerful verse that is.....Lord i pray for wisdom in seeking your will
even when it takes me places that are uncomfortable for me.


  1. I agree. This is very hard to read. I'm trying to take it all in and apply what little my mind comprehends.

  2. I know what you're saying. There is something about unfair suffering that kinda shakes your faith and makes you come to a point of decision: Am I going to trust God or not? Of course we would all say we'll trust God, but for me the hard part is living out that trust. I am much more tempted to grumble, whine, and pout. (Not very Christ-like at all)
    I too was struck by Job's righteous lifestyle of helping others. I pray God will open my eyes to see needs around me that I can meet. I pray so often for God to show me His plans for my life, and which way to go. I think He wants me to "be" more than "do." I need to stop being consumed by thoughts about my life, and listen to the whispering of the Holy Spirit. I bet I wouldn't miss so many opportunities to see God work if I did. Hmmm. convicting day for me.
