Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God is so good, and patient

Today's reading reminded me that our God is so good, and so patient with us. Sarai got impatient waiting for God to fulfill His promise, so she tried to help Him out. Bad idea. To this day contempt still exists between Arabs and Jews. Still, God was so patient with everyone involved. He was El Roi, the God who sees; He saw each person and reached out to them and cared for them. God is so good and forgiving. I'm sooooo grateful! So many times in my life I get tired of waiting on God, and try to make things happen. And lots of times I can convince myself that this must be the way God wanted it to happen. Oh God, keep me from running ahead with my own plans and trying to stick Your name on them. Please speak clearly to me, and give me the wisdom and discernment to wait on You and walk with You.
Jesus, and a couple of angels did come back and visit with Abram and Sarai years later to tell them they'd soon have a son. He confirmed His covenant with Abraham to bless him and make him a blessing to the world. In return, He only wanted them to know that He is their God. He wanted Abraham to direct his sons and their families to keep His way by doing what is right and just. Ya know, so many of life's decisions could be simplified if we would always seek to do what is just and right.
God demonstrated His goodness and patience again by agreeing with Abraham to spare Sodom if only ten righteous people could be found there. We know there won't be, and destruction is coming. But it was nice to read this interaction and realize that God isn't some angry wielder of lightening bolts and fire looking for a chance to destroy us. Actually, He is extremely merciful, willing to spare even the blatantly wicked on behalf of a few righteous who would stand in the gap. It also makes me think of my beloved country, the USA, where the number of the righteous seems to be dwindling. I pray that our nation would turn back to God who has been so merciful to us, and has blessed us so richly. Lord, please forgive our many sins, and give our leaders and our citizens the wisdom and desire to do what is right and just. Turn our hearts back to Jesus. Dear Jesus, help me teach my children Your ways. I love You. Amen.

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