Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hero. It's interesting to think of all the people that we choose to put on pedestals. After rereading the story of Noah, he definitely deserves the title, "hero". An ordinary man who followed God and did the extraordinary. My prayer is that I would be obedient to God's instruction and I would somehow be able to change the world, just like Noah did. I am also grateful that God has made a covenant with us that he will never bring destruction to our world like He did in Noah's time. We certainly don't deserve His mercy, but I am so thankful for it.


  1. Do you think Noah wondered if others would think he was crazy or deranged? I think of the small, "easy" things that God asks us to do and we shy away as if ashamed of HIM. After rereading the story of Noah, my prayer is that I will be bold to do whatever God asks of me.

  2. As I was reading, I wondered the same thing. I thought about all of the people who watched Noah build the arc and made fun of him. I am sure it was hard for him to just keep focused on what God told him to do! His trust in God is so admirable!
    I am praying with you that I would be bold every day in what God asks me to do.

  3. I had similar thoughts on Noah as a hero today. In the sermon at church the application was simply put: know the Bible and obey it. I think that Noah is the perfect example of this. He heard God's command and he simply obeyed. I know it wasn't easy, but what God asks of us is simple.

  4. Woo Hoo...this blogging newbie has finally figured out how to post! :D I am SO excited at the things God is showing me through His Word. Today I am thinking of this amazing man and how he stepped out in faith when approximately 2/3 of his life was over. At 40, it is safe to say that my life is probably the same. I am challenged by his example to radically obey even when the world is against me.

  5. Yesterday I was unable to post for Jan 2 reading so I will do this now. I have started this new year with but one resolution(which for me is a big deal because I usually do not make them): to KNOW God and to LOVE Him more each day. To this end (or can there really be an end?) I have joined in with you all on this journey. I am amazed already at what the Holy Spirit has taught some of you, but have felt empty. Why isn't God teaching me? So, I sat up late Jan 2 reading again the daily passages after praying for God to speak to me. And He did!! Of all places, it comes from the verses dealing with Adam's descendants. Verse after verse of ...he lived... his son was... he lived longer....and then he died. All the 'stuff'...details of thier now forgotten. I'm sure these must have done good works. After all.."men began to call upon God in those days." All verses were typically the same except for Enoch. Enoch walked with God. Enoch lived 365 years before he was "no more". I pray that each of the 365 days this year I will walk with God...and be know by this. ~~Amy
