Friday, January 29, 2010

Dreams are coming true

I am amazed by Joseph's quiet trust in God. From telling his family the dreams God gave him as a boy, through all of his undeserved suffering, to seeing those dreams begin to come true. I also noticed that Joseph must have been deeply hurt by the rejection of his brothers. I could tell by what he named his sons in yesterday's readings, and by his weeping in today's readings. How precious it must have been for him to overhear them saying they deserved to be mistreated because they'd sinned against their brother Joseph. Those who rejected him were truly sorry. The brothers seem to be acting like Godly men now too- willing to lay down their lives for their brother Benjamin. I wonder if seeing the agony their sin caused their father led them to live in years of regret. There is no such thing as getting away with sin. And, it looks like they'll have to deal with that regret for a little bit longer, but tomorrow is coming and I know this is all about to be resolved. I can't wait!
Thank You Father for loving me and for forgiving all of my sins. Help me to receive Your forgiveness and believe it, and not live in regret. Bring beauty from my ashes Lord. Thank You for all the signs of Your goodness I see in my life. I know I will see Your goodness in the painful areas one day too. I trust You, and I love You. In my brokenness, I will still praise You. Hallelujah. Amen.

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