Thursday, January 28, 2010


I just love the Word of God. I love how it speaks to us right where we are!
This morning I came to the throne hurt. As "teenagerish" as it sounds, my feelings were hurt. A circumstance in my life made me feel left out and forgotten. As I read the account of Joseph this morning, my heart lingered on the words in verse 23......the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph. After all Joseph had done for him! The cupbearer just went off and forgot all about him! Sounded a lot like how I was feeling. As I read on, I was reminded that God had a plan. Joseph was "remembered" at just the right time in God's perfect plan. It really was not about Joseph. It was about God being glorified and honored through Joseph.

Thank you sweet Lord, that your Word is alive and able to speak to us so clearly. I ask you to forgive me for my selfish thinking. It is not about me. Father, may you be glorified and may your name be honored through me.


  1. I am so glad that God gave you a word. I am sitting here with a big smile on my face. You're right, it's not about us, it's really about Him.

  2. Sweet Tina, I'm sorry for your hurt. I know what it's like to feel left out, and isolated. I wasn't allowed to have close friends for many years. A year before you left, X pulled me away from ya'll (my prayer friends) too. I hate that that happened, but maybe God wanted to buffer me a bit from the devestation I'd feel when you left. You were the first kind of close friend I'd had since I got married. I'm not sure I could have survived without you, Leigh, and Tresa a few years ago. I miss you so much friend. As soon as I can afford it I will come and visit you. This stinking divorce has to end someday, right?
