Friday, January 1, 2010

As I was reading our first passage I thought to myself, 'Wow, this is going to take me a while. I'm a slow reader and there's so much to learn. God's word is so deep and amazing and gives understanding to the simple (i.e.- me).' Usually I would have stopped like after the first chapter and been done for the day, thinking I'd have enough to chew on just from that.

But how good it felt to read those 3 chapters! To see God make things good and how good they were for 2 chapters and then to see how we got the world we live in today.

Here's a few of the things that struck me, please correct me if I'm wrong- Genesis doesn't tell us when/how God made the angels/spirit beings/spirit realm and all that stuff, it just tells us about the physical realm we live in. The earth itself was created before (or on) the first day and I think it was made totally of water (verse 2). Man's assignment was to work the ground, not just chill on this neat planet God made ;0)

Nothing profound, but let me tell you how blessed my heart is after reading today. Happy New Year everyone!


  1. As I read the passage today I couldn't help but think of all the ladies who would also be reading today. I'm looking forward to the accountability and personal growth.

    I was also challenged to contemplate the creation of this incredible world. God is awesome!!

  2. I also wondered about the creation of angels. Were they there all along? They had to be there before Adam and Eve, because God had already banished Satan to hell. Hmmmm.....
