Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tell Him anything!

Sometimes you just need to vent... and I mean really vent!! The type of venting I'm talking about is the kind you cannot tell a single person on earth, because it may actually be about that person :) You know... that kind of venting. I'm sooooo thankful God is my best friend!! No seriously, he is my very best friend!! We've been through so much together and still He is there. He never leaves us no matter what we have done or said or even thought. In Job 8:1-10:22 the picture I get is just very sad. Job is really pouring out his heart to the Lord. He is being real and honest, and I know the Lord appreciates that! Sometimes the best couseling ever is going into a room or place all my yourself and pouring out your heart to the Lord. After doing so, then listening to His words of comfort to your soul. I have done this many times and its healing! The best part about it is thats its FREE, and your sharing with someone who will not say a word to anyone! I'm thankful Jesus does not judge us, but He receives us even in our weaknesses! I love you Jesus!!

Vent to Him! :)

Jennifer Ambrose


  1. This is so true. I find it easier to just cry out to God and tell Him the ugly truth and let Him deal with my mess than to try and pretend it doesn't exist. I have learned that it is not healthy to put on a happy face and pretend everything is wonderful when your life is really a disaster. God can't fix our brokenness if we're determined to walk in pride and try to hide our hurts and struggles. (I have a mental image of myself with cracks all over my body covered with scotch tape! But I have a great big plastic grin on my face! -Rediculous!)
    I thank God for humor. :) Wonder if that picture reminded Him of Lazarus... Thank You Jesus for letting me come to You to remove my silly tape and receive true healing! You are wonderful!!!

  2. Venting to Him allows me to release the pent-up frustrations and anger. OH that I would remember to do that before I let them spew out on the person I am frustrated & angry my husband on Wed. Even when I am in the "right" I need to vent my feelings to the ONE who can actually change the situation. Lord, help me to come to you first...every time, not just some times.! Thanks for sharing Jennifer!

  3. Lori, you are so right! Its not healthy to pretend nothing is wrong, when something really is bothering you. I'm also thankful we can run to Jesus and ask Him to heal the wounds of our hearts! There are times when we should sit and talk about things that cause conflict, but always in the right spirit. Bless you Lori, and thanks for your comment! :)

    Amy- I need to remember this as well in the heat of the momment! Yes, we do vent to the person who can and is able to change any situation!! Thanks for your comment Amy!! God bless you!!! :)
