Sunday, January 10, 2010

To see You Lord

After reading Job 19-21, I found myself in agreement with Job. His "friends" spoke of all of the terrible things that happen to the wicked (to imply Job must've sinned). But Job disagreed, pointing out that lots of wicked people seem to have it good and easy, and if anything seem to escape calamity when it comes. That is true. What happens to people is no indicator of their character. Stuff just happens- to anybody, good and bad. I too thought it seemed unfair. So, I must look to God.
Lord, it seems unjust that the wicked seem to rarely suffer punishment. But, I know You are good and merciful. I know You want them to repent and come to You. You alone know whether or not punishment would cause them to seek You. You are wise, and I will trust You. It also seems unjust that good, righteous people suffer great tragedies that You could prevent. But, again, You are wise. You know what You are doing in all of our lives, and what You want to teach us. Oh God, help us know You better as we go through times of suffering. Help us be willing to go through anything to get to know You better.
You are my God, and You are my dear Friend. Oh my Jesus, I love You. And, I know my Redeemer lives! No matter what I go through now, I know one day I will see You for myself! You will call me, and I will see You with my own eyes! Hallelujah! Like Job, I am overwhelmed at the thought. I love You Jesus. Amen.

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