Thursday, January 28, 2010

Perfect timing

God is interesting in how He works. He put a guy in jail who was innocent of a crime. God used him to interpret dreams for Pharoah's officials only to have them forget about him. Joseph stayed in jail another two years until God gave him the opportunity to interpret a dream for Pharoah. Once he did, Joseph was given authority in Egypt - second in command. Seriously! The guy was in jail for years. I would have been terribly frustrated with God, but not Joseph. God used Joseph to save Egypt and "all the world" (v.57) from famine and devastation. God had everything figured out according to His great plan.

God's timing is perfect. It's hard to understand sometimes, but it's perfect. Father, help me to not worry or stress about things that I can't control. My timing is not always your timing, and I know that your timing is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. True Leigh. I gotta remember that myself. I'm feeling a little bummed today that I still haven't heard from my lawyer. Yet, I know God has used all the delays so far to teach me lots of things I needed to learn.
    Oh Father, please help me hang on and keep trusting You.
