Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Sinners in the hands of an angry God"

I thought of that old sermon as I read Bildad's words this morning. He was talking about how forgetting God is like hanging by a thread and leaning on a spider web. That's true, but I wanted to punch him for saying Job's kids sinned against God and deserved to die. Self-righteous people can be so cold hearted and uncaring. The sad truth is, it is very easy for any of us to jump to judgement and spew self-righteous condemnation on others. God forgive us and open our eyes!

As I read Job's words I cried for him. His despair was so great. He even believed God was watching him, looking for more chances to give him a beating. I wanted to tell him it was Satan beating him down, not God! God loved him and was proud of Him! But, God could have stopped this testing at any time and He hadn't yet. That's the hard part to understand.

I think I sense a change beginning to happen in Job's relationship with God though. Job was innocent and upright. He did everything he was supposed to and he feared God. But his reverence seems to keep a bit of distance between He and God. It is something I struggle with- balancing the holy awe of God with the friendship of God. I get a sense that Job is ready to break through any ceremonial restraint and run into God's presence and cry out to Him!

There is no God like our God!!! Jesus made a way for us to be clean, clothed in His righteousness, so we can come boldly before the throne of God! We can know God for ourselves! I think Job is about to know God like he has never known Him before. Maybe that's why God allowed this all to happen.

God, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in right now, help us see You and know You like we never have before. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. In case anyone is wondering, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" is a sermon by an early American Puritan preacher named Jonathan Edwards. You probably studied it in High School Lit class like I did.
