Friday, January 8, 2010

Two Things

Two things stood out to me today. First is how Job confronted his friend for speaking in a judgemental way on God's behalf. Ouch! I know I've said before that God wouldn't let someone get away with something, only to see them seemingly get away with it. How incredibly foolish of me! I have no right to to blame people in God's name. Only He can truly judge a person's heart. Only He knows how He is working out His plan. And He is quite able to speak for Himself if He wants to confront someone with their sin. I am thankful that He is God and not me. I am thankful that He is so full of mercy and forgiveness.
Second, I was struck by the depth of Job's love for God. He wasn't railing God out or telling Him off. He didn't want to be done with God or get rid of Him. More than anything He wanted loving fellowship with God. Job 14 verses 13-17 are precious. He is willing to die and wait eagerly in the grave for God to forgive him, yearn for him, and call him back to Himself. What a wonderful thought, that God would yearn to be with us. The beautiful thing is that He does yearn to be with us in close, loving relationship. He gave His only Son to make it possible! Thank You dear, sweet Jesus for saving me. Thank You God for letting me know You. I love You. Amen

1 comment:

  1. You can really tell Jobs love for the Lord. Even through all the hard times Job has been going through he says in Job 13:15-"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in Him". WOW I wanna say those words with my heart in hard times! Great post Lori!
