Thursday, January 21, 2010

God showed up!

In today's passages there was a continuous theme - God showed up. God tested Abraham to see if he really feared him. God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Abraham built the altar and tied Isaac down , but then God showed up. God provided a ram for the sacrifice instead of the boy. God is so faithful! Then Sarah died. Abraham, no doubt, loved his wife and wanted to honor her with a proper burial. Again, God showed up. He provided Abraham with a field and cave so that Abraham could bury his wife. Finally, Isaac needed a wife. Abraham sent one of his servants back to his country to find a wife for Isaac. God showed up and provided Rebekah.

The lesson I learned today: Be courageous and have faith because God will show up!!! Just as God did for Abraham, He will provide for my needs. I just need to continue to trust Him and put my faith in Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Leigh! I was looking through posts and noticed I hadn't commented on this one. I thought I had. I loved it! I walk around so afraid most of the time, but God has always come through for me. Things don't happen like I want them to most of the time, but God does show up. And I know His way is always better! Praise God! He is faithful and He is good. He is our Daddy and He loves us! Hallelujah!
