Friday, January 1, 2010

from Leigh.....

leigh said...

God woke me up early this morning so that I could start on this journey with Him. I am so excited and blessed to see what God intends to teach me this year. Today I learned the following lesson: I must listen only to God because He obviously knows what's best for me. When I start to follow my own desires (much like Adam and Eve did) I will fall into sin and a path that God did not intend for me. When I do sin, I must confess it and repent so that I can begin to prosper and live according to God's will for me.

Hello 2010! I can't wait to see what's in store for all of us.


  1. It is so easy to take my eyes off Jesus and listen to the world or the enemy like Eve did. I pray this year would be a year that i keep my focus on Jesus and his plan for my life. Often times for me it is the sins of omission rather than commission that i am guilty of. The busyness of life takes me away from God and his plan. Like Dan said Sunday God doesn't move-we do! Rededicating my life to draw closer to God this year.
    Last night i went outside to see the "blue" moon. This morning as i read the creation story i was in awe of how God just spoke this and it was--how amazing.
    Praying for each of you and so excited to be with you on this journey.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lock in at church last night...stayed up late...woke up very late, but when my eyes opened this morning my feet hit the floor running to His word !
    I pray that everyday the rest of the year God will find me just as excited and running to Him soaking up His word. Like Bro Mike said last night to be found with the whole armor of God on and to be ready. So that i (like Eve) will not succomb to temptations that the enemy will try to put before me. That He finds us all this year serving, loving and obeying.
