Saturday, January 9, 2010


Wow, Job's friends never cease to amaze me with their accusations. I have always thought just his friends were sitting there condemning him. Today 15:10 jumped out at me..."The grey-haired and the aged are on our side, men even older than your father." Do you see a church committee forming here to send out these me to 'bring Job back to the fold'?? Amazing! The whole community was against him.

The other thing that keeps mulling over in my mind is this: did Job also think God was against him too, actually doing these things to him? Sometimes I think he did, then I read verses like 16:19-20a where he says "Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. (would this be Jesus?) My intercessor is my friend...(would this be the Holy Spirit?)" I know that Jesus is our 'defense attorney' so to speak and that the Spirit interecedes for us. How did Job know about Jesus and the Spirit? Or did he just know that his God was on his side no matter what everyone else said?

1 comment:

  1. As I read chapter 16, I couldn't help but think of Jesus too. I wondered if verses 9-14 could be how Jesus felt as He hung innocently on the cross bearing the guilt of our sin and God's punishment for it. If anyone understands unearned punishment, it is Jesus. Then, as you pointed out, verses 19-21 describe what Jesus does for us now, pleading for us at the right hand of the Father in heaven right now.
    Thank You Jesus for pleading for me! Your understanding, compassion, mercy, and love overwhelm me. Hallelujah.
