Monday, January 25, 2010


Hey ya'll! I've just enjoyed a great DNow weekend with Jesus and 8th grade girls! Hallelujah! My Father loves me sooooo much! God Almighty is our Daddy, and He LOVES us! There is so much freedom and strength in that!
I've been too busy to blog, but we've covered so much about Isaac, Rabekah, Jacob, Esau, Leah, and Rachel. It would take too long to tell you all I thought about as I read these stories. I have lots of questions too. So, I'll just talk about our reading for today.
This seems to be a pivotal time in Jacob's life, as he is very afraid and yet trying to trust God and follow Him. I love that he obeyed God even though he was afraid of Laban and Esau. Ya'll I wrestle with fear quite often- whether it is fear of my ex, of providing for my children, of falling into sin, of being deceived, or of dishonoring my Savior. Father, help me hear You and obey You despite my fears. I believe in Your love for me. I know You will never abandon me. Thank You. :)
One thing bothered me in this passage- Rachel stole her father's idols. Why? God had answered her prayers and given her a son. She had seen God bless her husband. So why did she take idols? Did she think she needed a back-up plan? Lord, help me carry no idols. Help me to trust only in You, and count on You. You will come through. :)
The part about Jacob wrestling with the God/man was intriguing to me. Had to be Jesus, right? Which makes this story all the more fascinating! If anybody has more insight into the deep truths here please share. Why did Jesus come to wrestle with Jacob? Was it to get him to trust Him? Jacob was clinging to Him, hanging on for His blessing. Jesus, in His Deity, could have won- could've killed him, but He didn't. Yet, He did wound Jacob. But Jacob was just thrilled he got to see God face to face. And God blessed him. Wow. What does it all mean? It sort of seems like a male bonding experience where Jacob comes to trust God and to know God loves him. Jacob doesn't seem to mind the limp, he seems more excited to know God and have His blessing. Awesome. Dear Jesus, please bring beauty from the ashes of my life. Let all of my pain remind me that You were with me through it all, loving me and taking care of me. You have never forsaken me. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a awesome weekend. My prayer was answered when I saw every young man (incl myself and Chad) raise our hands when Dan asked if God worked in us this weekend and he prayed for each of us that this work would continue. It bought me to tears. I challenged them all to "redefine normal" at school, on the football, soccer, baseball fields. I know others are watching them and this is a great way to minister to others.
