Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bottom of the Pit

I have read the story of Joseph many times, but this morning God gave me a very clear and precise thought: When I am in the bottom of the pit, He is there. God, my Father, will deliver me in His own divine, perfect way. His way will be so much better and bigger than anything that I can imagine. I simply must trust him while I'm at the bottom.

When Joseph was at the bottom of the pit, God was with him. Through a series of crazy circumstances - being sold into slavery; ending up working for one of Pharoah's guards; seduced by Potiphar's wife; assumed guilty of a crime he didn't commit; thrown in jail - Joseph was always under the watchful eye of God. My prayer is that I will always lean on my Father and know that He is with me throughout all seasons of my life, especially when I am at the bottom of the pit.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Me too. Another cool thing: God was always blessing him and making everything he did prosper. Now, he wasn't actually getting anything, but whoever he worked for would gain because Joseph was blessed by God. I need to look for the evidence God is giving me to show He is with me, even when I go through really bad things. He is with us. He is working in our hearts and lives! Hallelujah! The more I get to know Father God, the more amazed I am by the mystery of His ways. Often, the way He works is just puzzling, but it always turns out best. For the past year I've felt like God has been telling me, "I love you. Trust me." I've just gotta trust Him!
