Friday, January 15, 2010

Written for me

Hey ya'll! Did ya'll enjoy Job 35-37 as much as I did? If not, that might be because it was written specifically for me. I'm just kidding, but this was one of those times when I felt like God was speaking clearly and directly to me. God is exalted, and I am humbled. Here are a few things that stood out to me:
*There is none righteous, no not one (not even Job). Just like our sin can't injure God in any way, neither is our righteousness any great gift to Him. Our pride makes us think it is, but no. Nothing we can do can either harm or help God. Our righteousness is like filthy rags, or dirty diapers. When my kids were toddlers, and in a mommy loving mood, sometimes they didn't want anyone to change their diapers but me. If someone smelled a ripe one and offered to change them, they would tell them, "No I want my Mama to do it." I would joke, "It's not exactly an honor honey." I wonder if that's what God thinks when we try to proudly offer Him our righteousness, like a gift. I don't think it angers Him; He is patient with our immaturity. Wonder if He thinks, "That's nice sweetheart, but why don't you keep that trophy on your shelf." ;) Thank You Father, that You never ask us to come to You in our righteousness. Clothe me in Your righteousness, dear Jesus. Make me what I can never be.
*It's great to run to God and tell Him I'm hurting, and tell Him I just don't understand what He's doing. But then I need to trust Him. It's not okay for me to blame Him or accuse Him of not caring. That is pride- like saying I would do a better job if I were god. (absolute evil, no wonder God hates pride!) How much better it is to lay down my pain and trust Jesus. Then I will be able to hear the songs He gives in the night.
*God is always right. He sees. He knows exactly what's going on. He will rescue me when He wants to- His timing really is best. Now this was a big "OUCH!" for me: He lets me suffer injustice to show me my prideful sins. He gets my attention and commands me to turn from evil. I feel like God gave me a specific warning/ promise of blessing. If I'll listen and obey, He'll bless me. If not, I'll suffer much worse. But, He wanted me to go through this period of suffering to teach me to depend on Him and trust Him, even when it's really hard. The first part of 36:15 says, "But by means of their suffering, He rescues those who suffer." I feel like God is telling me that if He had not prolonged my divorce, I would have quickly fallen into a lifestyle of sin because I was so broken and needy. He had to do it this way so I would seek healing in Him, and not in any man. That would have been so unhealthy- and disastrous! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You God, for keeping me. All the pain is worth it to be held so securely in Your arms. Thank You for keeping me from becoming bound in a life of sin again! Thank You for leading me away from danger to a place free from distress. Hallelujah!
*I need to obey God, and walk in personal holiness. It's a matter of attitude- humbly doing what is right because God is awesome. Not to show what I good girl I am. Humility,reverence and awe of God, that is how I should approach God. You are awesome God. I can never stand before You and make an argument. I can't look at the sun, so I certainly can't look into your glory to make my pitiful case. Job 37:22-24, "So also, golden splendor comes from the mountain of God. He is clothed in dazzling splendor. We cannot imagine the power of the Almighty; but even though He is just and righteous, He does not destroy us. No wonder people everywhere fear Him. All who are wise show Him reverence." Thank You for being so merciful to me. Thank You for forgiving me. Thank you for being kind and gentle with me. Thank You for loving me. I love You Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Amen.

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