Friday, January 29, 2010
Dreams are coming true
Thank You Father for loving me and for forgiving all of my sins. Help me to receive Your forgiveness and believe it, and not live in regret. Bring beauty from my ashes Lord. Thank You for all the signs of Your goodness I see in my life. I know I will see Your goodness in the painful areas one day too. I trust You, and I love You. In my brokenness, I will still praise You. Hallelujah. Amen.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
This morning I came to the throne hurt. As "teenagerish" as it sounds, my feelings were hurt. A circumstance in my life made me feel left out and forgotten. As I read the account of Joseph this morning, my heart lingered on the words in verse 23......the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph. After all Joseph had done for him! The cupbearer just went off and forgot all about him! Sounded a lot like how I was feeling. As I read on, I was reminded that God had a plan. Joseph was "remembered" at just the right time in God's perfect plan. It really was not about Joseph. It was about God being glorified and honored through Joseph.
Thank you sweet Lord, that your Word is alive and able to speak to us so clearly. I ask you to forgive me for my selfish thinking. It is not about me. Father, may you be glorified and may your name be honored through me.
Perfect timing
God's timing is perfect. It's hard to understand sometimes, but it's perfect. Father, help me to not worry or stress about things that I can't control. My timing is not always your timing, and I know that your timing is perfect.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bottom of the Pit
When Joseph was at the bottom of the pit, God was with him. Through a series of crazy circumstances - being sold into slavery; ending up working for one of Pharoah's guards; seduced by Potiphar's wife; assumed guilty of a crime he didn't commit; thrown in jail - Joseph was always under the watchful eye of God. My prayer is that I will always lean on my Father and know that He is with me throughout all seasons of my life, especially when I am at the bottom of the pit.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The good, the bad, and the ugly
Then chapter 34 is just ugly. For some reason I've had the false impression that sexual sin is worse now than its ever been. According to what we've read so far this year, it has always been a huge problem. It breaks my heart. Oh how I wish I could do something to fight the sexual exploitation of women and children. Father, I cry out to You on behalf of our daughters and sons. Please protect them from predators and from pushy, deceitful people. Keep our children safe and pure, and provide Godly mates for them who will nurture and care for them. Thank You. Please God, show me how to help anyone I can. Rescue those in bondage and slavery all over the world, and redeem their lives for Your glory. Amen.
Last, chapter 35 tells us of the deaths of Rachel and Isaac, which is sad. But at least the sadness was tempered with some good. Rachel had a son. Jacob got to see his father again before he died. Still, death is always sad for us. Yet we do not mourn as those without hope. We know that our loved ones who know the Lord are with Him. I can't wait to be with Jesus myself! Hallelujah!
Monday, January 25, 2010
I've been too busy to blog, but we've covered so much about Isaac, Rabekah, Jacob, Esau, Leah, and Rachel. It would take too long to tell you all I thought about as I read these stories. I have lots of questions too. So, I'll just talk about our reading for today.
This seems to be a pivotal time in Jacob's life, as he is very afraid and yet trying to trust God and follow Him. I love that he obeyed God even though he was afraid of Laban and Esau. Ya'll I wrestle with fear quite often- whether it is fear of my ex, of providing for my children, of falling into sin, of being deceived, or of dishonoring my Savior. Father, help me hear You and obey You despite my fears. I believe in Your love for me. I know You will never abandon me. Thank You. :)
One thing bothered me in this passage- Rachel stole her father's idols. Why? God had answered her prayers and given her a son. She had seen God bless her husband. So why did she take idols? Did she think she needed a back-up plan? Lord, help me carry no idols. Help me to trust only in You, and count on You. You will come through. :)
The part about Jacob wrestling with the God/man was intriguing to me. Had to be Jesus, right? Which makes this story all the more fascinating! If anybody has more insight into the deep truths here please share. Why did Jesus come to wrestle with Jacob? Was it to get him to trust Him? Jacob was clinging to Him, hanging on for His blessing. Jesus, in His Deity, could have won- could've killed him, but He didn't. Yet, He did wound Jacob. But Jacob was just thrilled he got to see God face to face. And God blessed him. Wow. What does it all mean? It sort of seems like a male bonding experience where Jacob comes to trust God and to know God loves him. Jacob doesn't seem to mind the limp, he seems more excited to know God and have His blessing. Awesome. Dear Jesus, please bring beauty from the ashes of my life. Let all of my pain remind me that You were with me through it all, loving me and taking care of me. You have never forsaken me. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
I was small when mama read the stories
They were real and so were you
The mighty men and women that you had called your own
Had life and breath to me
At Sunday school I loved the pictures
Apostles, prophets men of God
Each one walked and touched my heart
When I was older and tried to walk away
They called my name
And you Holy Spirit brought me back
To the pages where they lived
Their very words became my life
Telling me about my world in all its shadows dark and light
Leading me down dusty roads so I might find
Once again a Savior and a friend
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My Bible still has not come in, do you think (Tina or Janna ;0) you could give me the readings from yesterday through at least next week? That would be great- I just read the next few chapters of Genesis yesterday because I didn't know what exactly we were doing. Thanks, talk to ya'll later~
Friday, January 22, 2010
Scott Harvell is with Jesus now
I'm told Laura is strong right now as she is concerned with planning a memorial service for her husband who was loved by so many. Still, let's pray that Jesus would hold her and carry her for quite a long while. Let's also pray for provision for her and her daughter. Anslie has special needs and Laura has been a stay at home mom. Scott was their only source of income. His church has been helping them for a while, but it is uncertain how long that can continue. They have many medical bills for Scott and Anslie. They've been through so much. Let's pray that our dear Father God would step in and help them, and meet all of their needs. Kellie told me she is friends with Scott's family, so maybe she has more information.
Again, thanks for praying. God is still good. He is a good Daddy. He won't abandon His children. Praise God.
God loves Scott, Laura, and Anslie Harvell
Please pray as often as you can for the miraculous healing of Scott Harvell today. If you checked his caring bridge entry yesterday, then you know they did another brain scan today to check for brain activity. It showed no change. They have been advised to turn off all machines keeping him alive. His family is gathering in his room now and saying their goodbyes. Sometime later today they will unplug the machines. There is still room for a miracle. Let's pray that when they unplug him, he'll begin to breathe on his own. Let's pray that God would touch him and heal him and keep him here with his wife and special needs daughter for a while longer.
We all know that the ultimate decision is in God's hands. We know that He knows what is best for every precious person involved, and we agree that it is His will we want. Still, we believe God has the power to heal Scott, so I think it honors God for us to ask Him to do these miracles that are so easy for Him.
Thanks for praying today. I'll update as I learn more.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
URGENT: Pray for Scott Harvell
God showed up!
The lesson I learned today: Be courageous and have faith because God will show up!!! Just as God did for Abraham, He will provide for my needs. I just need to continue to trust Him and put my faith in Him.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ch. 19- So much evil! But, why would Lot offer his daughters to be raped by the men of the city? Why did the daughters later rape him? Why didn't they ask him to help them find husbands somewhere? Surely, Abraham would've helped. So horrible and twisted!
Ch. 20- Why is Abraham scared again, and letting another man have at his wife to save his own skin? I praise God that He intervened and rescued Sarah, and made sure her reputation was protected. I'm glad also that God was merciful to the king who'd sinned unknowingly, and forgave him. But, why did Abraham have to pray for him to be forgiven? Abraham was wrong! I guess God knew he was afraid and had mercy on him. I don't know. Women sure didn't seem to have much say in things back then did they? Thank You God for taking care of us women. :)
Ch. 21- God kept His promise, and Sarah gives birth to Isaac- "laughter." How sweet, she knows people will laugh with her over them having a baby at such an old age. However, laughing at her son would not be tolerated and Hagar and Ishmael are sent away. Hmm. But, again, God sees them and takes care of them. Lord Jesus, please keep taking care of all abandoned women and children. Then, Abraham and Abimilech make a treaty, Abraham gets his well back, and Abraham plants a tree and worships God. He worshipped the Lord, the Eternal God. Maybe He is now realizing the greatness and power of God, and His love and care for him. Maybe this is a whole new level of trust for him. So he lived there, trusting God, as a foreigner for a long time.
You know, our world is pretty evil. And we are foreigners here. May we simply trust God. Lord, there is so much I don't understand. I'm glad I don't have to. I'm glad I can trust You. Thank You for loving me so faithfully and picking me up every time I fall. Thank You for having mercy and compassion on me when I've acted foolishly out of fear. There is no love like Yours. Hallelujah! I know all things are in Your hands and You will take care of me and my friends. You are the Lord, the Eternal God, and I worship You. Amen.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
sodom and Gomorrah
Without doubt, God was just in destroying the sinful cities. I'm not questioning that fact. I'm just thinking of other cities around our world with so few "righteous" people.
God is so good, and patient
Jesus, and a couple of angels did come back and visit with Abram and Sarai years later to tell them they'd soon have a son. He confirmed His covenant with Abraham to bless him and make him a blessing to the world. In return, He only wanted them to know that He is their God. He wanted Abraham to direct his sons and their families to keep His way by doing what is right and just. Ya know, so many of life's decisions could be simplified if we would always seek to do what is just and right.
God demonstrated His goodness and patience again by agreeing with Abraham to spare Sodom if only ten righteous people could be found there. We know there won't be, and destruction is coming. But it was nice to read this interaction and realize that God isn't some angry wielder of lightening bolts and fire looking for a chance to destroy us. Actually, He is extremely merciful, willing to spare even the blatantly wicked on behalf of a few righteous who would stand in the gap. It also makes me think of my beloved country, the USA, where the number of the righteous seems to be dwindling. I pray that our nation would turn back to God who has been so merciful to us, and has blessed us so richly. Lord, please forgive our many sins, and give our leaders and our citizens the wisdom and desire to do what is right and just. Turn our hearts back to Jesus. Dear Jesus, help me teach my children Your ways. I love You. Amen.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Abram rocks!
My prayer is that God will speak clearly so that I will know exactly what He desires me to do for Him. I pray that I won't hesitate, but will follow God wherever He sends me. I pray that I would be a selfless follower and will put others ahead of myself.
I have no doubt that God saved me to live more of a life than what I am living. I want to make a difference in my community and world. Lord, show me the desires of your heart.
The Call of God
God has called each of us to a different task. Some He has called to leave and go. Others, he has called to a school house to work with teenagers. Maybe He has called you to give up something you love. Of maybe He has called you to walk across the street and share Jesus with your neighbor. Whatever the call, we must obey. No matter how hard it is. He will bless.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Out of the Storm
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Let's compare resumes
Lord, You created everything, and You sustain it all by Your power. In Your wisdom You designed everything to work in specific ways. Forgive me for ever questioning Your plan. Thank You for being in complete control of every detail of life and creation. It means I can completely trust You. You know exactly what You're doing. Praise You Lord!!! Hallelujah!!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Written for me
*There is none righteous, no not one (not even Job). Just like our sin can't injure God in any way, neither is our righteousness any great gift to Him. Our pride makes us think it is, but no. Nothing we can do can either harm or help God. Our righteousness is like filthy rags, or dirty diapers. When my kids were toddlers, and in a mommy loving mood, sometimes they didn't want anyone to change their diapers but me. If someone smelled a ripe one and offered to change them, they would tell them, "No I want my Mama to do it." I would joke, "It's not exactly an honor honey." I wonder if that's what God thinks when we try to proudly offer Him our righteousness, like a gift. I don't think it angers Him; He is patient with our immaturity. Wonder if He thinks, "That's nice sweetheart, but why don't you keep that trophy on your shelf." ;) Thank You Father, that You never ask us to come to You in our righteousness. Clothe me in Your righteousness, dear Jesus. Make me what I can never be.
*It's great to run to God and tell Him I'm hurting, and tell Him I just don't understand what He's doing. But then I need to trust Him. It's not okay for me to blame Him or accuse Him of not caring. That is pride- like saying I would do a better job if I were god. (absolute evil, no wonder God hates pride!) How much better it is to lay down my pain and trust Jesus. Then I will be able to hear the songs He gives in the night.
*God is always right. He sees. He knows exactly what's going on. He will rescue me when He wants to- His timing really is best. Now this was a big "OUCH!" for me: He lets me suffer injustice to show me my prideful sins. He gets my attention and commands me to turn from evil. I feel like God gave me a specific warning/ promise of blessing. If I'll listen and obey, He'll bless me. If not, I'll suffer much worse. But, He wanted me to go through this period of suffering to teach me to depend on Him and trust Him, even when it's really hard. The first part of 36:15 says, "But by means of their suffering, He rescues those who suffer." I feel like God is telling me that if He had not prolonged my divorce, I would have quickly fallen into a lifestyle of sin because I was so broken and needy. He had to do it this way so I would seek healing in Him, and not in any man. That would have been so unhealthy- and disastrous! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You God, for keeping me. All the pain is worth it to be held so securely in Your arms. Thank You for keeping me from becoming bound in a life of sin again! Thank You for leading me away from danger to a place free from distress. Hallelujah!
*I need to obey God, and walk in personal holiness. It's a matter of attitude- humbly doing what is right because God is awesome. Not to show what I good girl I am. Humility,reverence and awe of God, that is how I should approach God. You are awesome God. I can never stand before You and make an argument. I can't look at the sun, so I certainly can't look into your glory to make my pitiful case. Job 37:22-24, "So also, golden splendor comes from the mountain of God. He is clothed in dazzling splendor. We cannot imagine the power of the Almighty; but even though He is just and righteous, He does not destroy us. No wonder people everywhere fear Him. All who are wise show Him reverence." Thank You for being so merciful to me. Thank You for forgiving me. Thank you for being kind and gentle with me. Thank You for loving me. I love You Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Amen.
~How great is our God~
I was watching CNN the other night and just thinking about those in Haiti who need our prayers right now due to the earthquake. CNN showed a clip of a group of people from Haiti worshiping, it brought tears to my eyes. In the midst of hunger, physical illnesses, bleeding cuts, and all sorts of other hardships they were singing praises to the king. What an example!!
Father, I pray for the people of Haiti would you filled them right now with your love. I pray for the people who are still alive but trapped under buildings, God would you give them strength to hold on and fill their hearts with the peace that passed all understanding. I pray that people would call out to you during this time and that there would be many salvations! We love you Jesus!
Jennifer Ambrose
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What to do with Elihu
Sometimes it did seem like Job was accusing God. Was he wrong? I can't wait to see what God says in the end. I do know that God understood that Job was in great anguish, and didn't get mad at him. It's so easy to sin when we're in a lot of pain. I'm glad He welcomes us, even when we're wrong.
I like the gist of 34:10- (Listen! God doesn't sin! The Almighty can do no wrong.) True. I gotta remember that when I'm telling God, "but it's not fair." I also like 34:31,32 "Why don't people say to God, 'I have sinned, but will sin no more'? Or, 'I don't know what evil I have done- tell me. If I have done wrong, I will stop at once'?" This is a right attitude to approach God with.
Oh God, You know how sinful my heart really is. Please forgive me for ever approaching You irreverently. Thank you for understanding our weakness, especially when we are in despair. Dear God, please have mercy on us and forgive our sins; don't let them overtake us. Hold us tight as we cling to You and trust You. Amen.
P.S. Let's all keep praying for the lost, needy, and dying in Haiti.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Lord, help me to trust in your goodness today. Give me the faith that I need to believe Romans 8:28, "All things work for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purpose."
Fear and Faith
Faith is more than what we believe, it is what we live. Job was so sure that he had lived faithfully to God, that he said you could write out everything he'd ever done and he'd sign his name to it. Wow. I wouldn't want to suffer through seeing some of the things I've done recorded in print, much less want to sign my name to it. I am grateful that Jesus has covered my sins with His blood, and taken away my shame. :) Hallelujah! So I guess the story book of my life would look like a pad of blood red construction paper. All I could write is, "Redeemed by the blood of Jesus!" I could sign my name to that.
Still, I want to learn from Job, and live my life in such a way that I'd be willing to sign my name to it- before God. Oh God, help me walk with highest integrity, so I can always come to You confidently, knowing in my heart that I've honestly tried to always do the right thing. And when I sin, help me bring it to You quickly and not hide it. Then forgive me, cleanse me, and don't let sin take root in my life. Lord Jesus, I pray for these ladies and myself, that You would keep our hearts free from sin so we can worship You in Spirit and in truth. Fill us and overwhelm us Holy Spirit. Empower us to live boldly for the glory of Christ. Thank You so much for picking us up, cleaning us off, and loving us like You do. There is none like You! Hallelujah!!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Deep Treasure
Today as I was reading about all of the places to find the various treasures, I realized it was always in deep, dark places. Deep within a pit, where no light reaches, alone, away from contact with things on earth- that's where you find the most precious treasures. Hmmm. I've had some of my most precious times with God when things have seemed hopeless, dark, and overwhelming. Knowing Jesus personally, hearing His voice, that is a deep, precious treasure to me.
Wisdom is the treasure we often seek as God's children. In 28:28 God says, "The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding." I've been asking God for direction a lot lately, and I think He is telling me He wants me to know Him, and to live my life in reverence of Him and obedience to Him. We know Job was blameless and upright, and God was proud of him. I'm glad he told us some of the practices of his righteous lifestyle. These offered lots of good practical pointers for me.
- assisted the poor in their need
- helped orphans
- helped those without hope
- helped widows
- was always honest- in word and action
- was righteous
- was just- acted with justice
- served- as eyes for the blind and feet for the lame
- was a father to the poor
- assisted strangers who needed help
- broke the jaws of godless oppressors
- plucked victims from the teeth of oppressors
- smiled at the discouraged- offered approval and acceptance
- gave wise direction
- didn't take pride in his position, but was humble- was equal
- comforted those who mourned
Lord, open my eyes to see needs around me that I can meet. I pray my life will honor you and forsake evil. Please help me point people to Jesus. You are our true hope and joy. :)
Spiritual smelting
Some things stick out to me here. How much adversity did it take for false views of God to surface in Job's life? I think his statement in 23:10 is significant: "But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold." Whether or not Job was entirely aware of his statement, it nevertheless rings true. In this cauldron of suffering, God melted Job until the dross rose to the surface. By the end of the book, he does come forth as gold. This is amazing to me; Job had to undergo the loss of every earthly delight before his dross came forth. It takes very little pressure to bring mine forth (when He has tested me, I will come forth as pewter?). What Job knew about God, he knew from personal experience and from probably only the first eleven chapters of Genesis. I have the whole Bible. I have Job's whole story; I can read it with a full apprehension of the end. He had a few chapters, some stories, and a lifetime of experience that had suddenly turned far south. He spoke a chapter on wisdom that I'm pretty sure inspired Proverbs and quite a few of the Psalms. He had a pretty huge view of God, and he really knew God: "How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me, when His lamp shone upon my head and by His light I walked through darkness! Oh, for the days when I was in my prime, when God's intimate friendship blessed my house, when the Almighty was still with me, when my path was drenched with cream and the rock poured out for me streams of olive oil" (29:1b-6). If God tested me this way, how would I come out? What is incredibly amazing is that God brought wonderful, bright gold out of Job's life and experience and shared it with eternity. I want Him to do that with mine too (though, to be frank, I'd rather He did it with a minimum of pain).
An Admission
but as i shared with Leigh on Sunday at Church ....THIS IS HARD TO READ!!!!!
I have spent so much time in the new testament recently and though it is not always happy and positive i want POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING when i read.
As usual God has another plan for me.......I feel like He is telling me to
spend more time looking for others who are struggling and DO SOMETHING to help
them. It is so easy or easier for me to just go through my life and live in it
then to look around and get involved in others lives who might truly need
to hear a positive word or have something positive done for them.
Today i read through the passage and got to Job 28:28 and realized again
what a powerful verse that is.....Lord i pray for wisdom in seeking your will
even when it takes me places that are uncomfortable for me.
Opportunity to teach
Job took the opportunity to teach about the power of God while he was in the middle of his crisis. I fear that many times while in the middle of mine, I am to caught up in my issue to teach anything!
Father God, help me to remember that people are watching and looking for YOU. Help me to be a good witness in good and bad times!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Who then can understand the thunder of HIS power?
"He spreads out the northern skies over empty space...He wraps up the waters in his clouds...By his breath the skies become fair, his hand pierced the gliding serpent" And Job says this is only the beginning, "the outer fringe of his works." Lord how in the world do we think we can understand all that you do and allow? God give me compassion for those who are struggling and give me strength when I am struggling!
Someone to watch over me
Sunday, January 10, 2010
To see You Lord
Lord, it seems unjust that the wicked seem to rarely suffer punishment. But, I know You are good and merciful. I know You want them to repent and come to You. You alone know whether or not punishment would cause them to seek You. You are wise, and I will trust You. It also seems unjust that good, righteous people suffer great tragedies that You could prevent. But, again, You are wise. You know what You are doing in all of our lives, and what You want to teach us. Oh God, help us know You better as we go through times of suffering. Help us be willing to go through anything to get to know You better.
You are my God, and You are my dear Friend. Oh my Jesus, I love You. And, I know my Redeemer lives! No matter what I go through now, I know one day I will see You for myself! You will call me, and I will see You with my own eyes! Hallelujah! Like Job, I am overwhelmed at the thought. I love You Jesus. Amen.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Jan 10 - Jan 21 Daily Readings
Jan 11 - Job 22:1 - 26:14
Jan 12 - Job 27:1 - 29:25
Jan 13 - Job 30:1 - 31:40
Jan 14 - Job 32:1 - 34:37
Jan 15 - Job 35:1 - 37:24
Jan 16 - Job 38:1 - 39:30
Jan 17 - Job 40:1 - 42:17
Jan 18 - Genesis 11:27 - 15:21
Jan 19 - Genesis 16:1 - 18:33
Jan 20 - Genesis 19:1 - 21:34, Genesis 25:12-18, 1 Chronicles 1:28-31
Jan 21 - Genesis 22:1 - 24:67
Enjoy :)
next week's readings....
The Unveiling of Scripture
When Bad Things Happen to Good People
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Hard Lessons
It is so hard in the middle of great trials to remember that God is with us even there. God is with Job. God is with my friends. It is so hard to understand that He has a plan for us even in the middle of all the junk. We must learn the lessons. Even the hard ones.
The other thing that keeps mulling over in my mind is this: did Job also think God was against him too, actually doing these things to him? Sometimes I think he did, then I read verses like 16:19-20a where he says "Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. (would this be Jesus?) My intercessor is my friend...(would this be the Holy Spirit?)" I know that Jesus is our 'defense attorney' so to speak and that the Spirit interecedes for us. How did Job know about Jesus and the Spirit? Or did he just know that his God was on his side no matter what everyone else said?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Bless His name!
I bless your name Abba,
Jennifer Ambrose
Two Things
Second, I was struck by the depth of Job's love for God. He wasn't railing God out or telling Him off. He didn't want to be done with God or get rid of Him. More than anything He wanted loving fellowship with God. Job 14 verses 13-17 are precious. He is willing to die and wait eagerly in the grave for God to forgive him, yearn for him, and call him back to Himself. What a wonderful thought, that God would yearn to be with us. The beautiful thing is that He does yearn to be with us in close, loving relationship. He gave His only Son to make it possible! Thank You dear, sweet Jesus for saving me. Thank You God for letting me know You. I love You. Amen
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A sweet fragrance ...
Give me your eyes, God. Let me see others through Your mercy and grace. Let me view others, knowing I am a sinner saved by grace. I have nothing and am nothing without you! May my words and actions be pleasing to You, a sweet fragrance!
Tell Him anything!
Vent to Him! :)
Jennifer Ambrose
A couple of housekeeping issues.......
Now, a couple of things.
1. If you would like to post, you must send me an email so that I can add you to the list of authorized posters. Send it to
2. The blog offers an option for you to have any posts and comments sent directly to your email box. I find this easier than checking the blog. Just letting you know it is an option for you.
3. I am going to "close" the blog on Saturday. At that point, only authorized readers will be able to look at the blog. Each of you will be authorized. :) Janna and I feel like this will be important as we continue to share our hearts with each other. It will provide a more private setting for all of us.
That is it for now. Again, it is a joy to join you in this journey.
"Sinners in the hands of an angry God"
As I read Job's words I cried for him. His despair was so great. He even believed God was watching him, looking for more chances to give him a beating. I wanted to tell him it was Satan beating him down, not God! God loved him and was proud of Him! But, God could have stopped this testing at any time and He hadn't yet. That's the hard part to understand.
I think I sense a change beginning to happen in Job's relationship with God though. Job was innocent and upright. He did everything he was supposed to and he feared God. But his reverence seems to keep a bit of distance between He and God. It is something I struggle with- balancing the holy awe of God with the friendship of God. I get a sense that Job is ready to break through any ceremonial restraint and run into God's presence and cry out to Him!
There is no God like our God!!! Jesus made a way for us to be clean, clothed in His righteousness, so we can come boldly before the throne of God! We can know God for ourselves! I think Job is about to know God like he has never known Him before. Maybe that's why God allowed this all to happen.
God, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in right now, help us see You and know You like we never have before. Amen.
Who am I
Rock Bottom
As Christians, we will all endure times of pain and suffering. It is completely normal to express how well feel, just like Job did. Sometimes we might even wish that we were never born. God certainly hears our cries and He will be faithful to restore us. I can't wait to finally see our friend Job restored. Hallelujah, God allows us to plead with him and in the end, His will for our lives will prevail.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Honest with God
He never changes!
Today's bible reading was from Job 4:1-7:21I'm sure Job longed for his good old days as well, when his world started to crash down before him. God wants to stretch us and Job was FOR SURE being stretched in areas I'm sure he did not want to be!! I wish we got to pick whick areas in our lives we wanted God to work on, haha if only... Well, I would probably say to the Lord each day... I dont think I want ANY area to be stretched today. :) The truth is if we got to pick it would not be good...So thats why He is God and we are not. Father, help me to praise your name even in the seasons of life that are hard. Thank you God for never, ever changing!!
Jennifer Ambrose
Comiserating with Job
I know what it's like to have people judge me unfairly, like Job's friends did. They don't know what our life was really like. We had an image of the perfect little Christian family, so some people just assume I went crazy. I have also been told things like I must be too close to my parents (untrue, he virtually isolated me from them), that I am selfish and out of God's will, and that I am led by demons. All the while I am trying to honor God and not tell these people the dark truths of what our home was really like. I have also prayed, like Job, that God would kill me before letting me dishonor His name. I must tell you, though, that He is merciful and has not answered that prayer. Unlike Job, I have let the stress of all this get to me and have said plenty of things I shouldn't. I am not nearly as upright as Job, and have had to ask God to forgive me and rescue me from sin many times. My biggest struggle right now is with the sins of bitterness and hate. God, please help me keep on forgiving and don't let these evils take root in my heart.
Then, last night I had a scary run in with mean and controlling X. So, again today I cried out to God for help. I'm tired of being afraid. I'm tired of fearing for my children. I'm tired of feeling unsafe. I'm tired of seeing injustice continue. I'm tired of struggling. I'm weary because I see no end in sight for these things. My Bible was opened, and I looked up and saw Psalm 31:2, "Turn Your ear to listen to me; rescue me quickly. Be my rock of protection, a fortress where I will be safe." Then verse 7, "I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for You have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul." Ya'll, I take so much comfort in knowing that God is with me, otherwise I couldn't survive. But, God didn't rescue Job right away, and I have no promise that He'll rescue us soon either. I am just so grateful that He hasn't abandoned me. I know Jesus is with me and He loves me. I know He sees me and He cares. I don't know what to do but keep clinging to Jesus, and contact my lawyer again. Ya'll, please pray for me and my children that God would protect us and provide for us. Please pray that God would have His will and be glorified in me. Thank you.
If anyone has any encouragement to give, I'd appreciate your comments. I apologize for being so pathetic and laying my heartache out there for you all to see. I assure you this only skims the surface; I didn't show you the maggots. ;) Thank you God that I've not suffered anywhere near as much as Job!!!
Advice VS. Compassion
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Desires and Fears
Job 3:25 is one of the saddest verses in the Bible to me: “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.” Since I became a mother almost 9 years ago, my worst fear is losing ONE of my children – not to mention ALL of them. I think that is every mother’s worst fear. I was looking up Psalm 37:4 and typed in 34:4 instead. This is what I found: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears”. How wonderful that we have the promises of Psalm 34:4 I pray my desire will always be found in God ALONE and that He will deliver me “from all my fears”!!
Completely Confused!!!
I'm expanding our little blog idea....
As I was talking with her, it made me wonder if other ladies in our small church would like to do this too. I went to talk to the leader of the church and he liked the idea, but leadership had just changed for the year and I had to go talk to another dear friend about it (leadership in our church does not equal pastor, it's a long, complicated story- just ignore what you don't understand and go with it). She liked the idea, but had to talk with the other lady leaders about it. After church on Sunday they asked if they could get the daily Scriptures copied down in Spanish and I told them I would try to find it for them. I also showed them the One Year Bible in Spanish and this Saturday when I'm in the city I have to price it for everyone and try to find easier versions to read than their 'KJV'.
So it's a little bit of a process, but reading through the whole Bible would be great for our church where knowledge is small and needs to grow. Hopefully they'll like it too and want to keep doing it in years to come. They won't be joining our blog, but I'll let you know how things develop and proceed.
May the name of the Lord be praised!!
I think sometimes we think to ourselves: I did something wrong and God is punishing me, but maybe you have done everything right and God is just testing you. We half to trust God in the hard times in life and with the things we do not understand ( this is sooooo easy to write, but hard to walk out at times).A passage that stuck out to me from Job was " The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised". I mean really with all that Job had gone through he said " may the name of the Lord be praised"!! I pray for a heart like Job's!! Even in the hardest of hardest times, I want to say not just with my mouth but really with my heart MAY THE NAME OF THE LORD STILL BE PRAISED!!
In Worship
This is what caught my heart this morning. The bible says that Job fell to the worship. In worship! I can tell you that my first response to pain and struggles is not to worship. What a lesson. I need to be more like Job.
This one's a challenge....
Sweet Lord, please allow us to hear from you today just so that we know that you are still with us through these challenging times. Like Job, I want to praise you in the good and bad times because I know in the end, Your plan for my life will prevail. Thanks for your amazing grace and love.
Monday, January 4, 2010
... and he had him who had him...
"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book."
God journals about me!!! Ya'll He really knows us! He really cares about us! He writes down every little thing that hurts us. So I know nothing is wasted. We may not know why some things happen until we get to heaven, like human injustice, and Tina's crazy leg complications, but we can trust Jesus. No one knows suffering like Jesus. I am so glad we have a God who sees us and cares for us and flat out carries us when we can't walk anymore. Thank you Father for loving us so incredibly deeply.
Abram's Faith
Names and more names.....
I could not help but think about language as we read about Babel this morning. Language has become quite personal to me this past year as I have struggled to learn Spanish! If only those silly people would not have wanted to "make a name for themselves" Hmmm, that statement makes me think. I fear that many times that is what I try to do. "Make a name for Tina".
Father God, let my actions and my words (English and Spanish) make much of YOU!
Happy 2010!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I have seriously never understood this part, but I think it is pretty critical to the overall story of the Bible. The descendants of Canaan (Ham's kid) play a pretty important role in the redemption story. So, I'm just throwing this out as a question and something to ponder. I realize that the nakendness part is linked to shame and that viewing his dad's nakedness was an extremely shameful thing for Ham to do, especially considering that he gossiped about it with his brothers. But, why was Noah drunk and naked in the first place?
As a side note, I realized in reading this familiar story again that Noah was 600 years old when the rain started. That means that for MANY years, he was faithful to the Lord in a terribly corrupt world. Which makes his indiscretion after the flood even more baffling to me.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Clear direction
I am so grateful to have a Savior who loves us in spite of ourselves and only wants the best for us.
Trusting God~ Noah
I was drawn to the story of Noah this morning. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6:8. How I pray this for my own Noah! How I pray this for all of my children and myself too. :) As I read the instructions that God gave to Noah, I pictured how dazed Noah might have been to hear all of this. I can relate. I know that as God called us to change our life drastically and head to the mission field, there were many days that I felt dazed! Who am I kidding, there are still many days that I feel dazed! In verse 20 the Bible tells us that every kind of creature would "come to you"(Noah). Noah did not have to go out and drag those animals to the ark. They CAME to Noah. Awesome. While Noah was busy being obedient and building that arc, God was busy taking care of the details. What a great reminder for me. It is my job to be obedient to the instructions that God has given me in my heart. It is His job to take care of the details.
My prayer today is that we will all listen and be obedient to the call God has for our lives and that we would trust the details to Him.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Better late than not at all...
Like many of you, I love Genesis and especially the first few chapters. I love how the Bible specifies that God created fruits, animals and birds "according to their kind" and commanded them to reproduce "according to their kind." I do not believe that monkeys morph into humans!
I also love that God does not change - and the punishment for sin has not changed. God warned Adam that eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil would result in death. Sin still results in death.
I can't wait to read more of the story tomorrow morning!
for Stacy and anyone else who might need it :)
January 3: Genesis 7: 1-9:29
January 4: Genesis 10: 1-5; I Chronicles 1:5-7; Genesis 10:6-20; I Chronicles 1:8-16; Genesis 10:21-11:26; I Chronicles 1:17-27
January 5: Job 1:1-3:26
January 6: Job 4:1-7:21
January 7: Job 8:1-10:22
January 8: Job 11:1-14:22
January 9: Job 15:1-18:21
Just let me know if you need more. :) Much love.
But how good it felt to read those 3 chapters! To see God make things good and how good they were for 2 chapters and then to see how we got the world we live in today.
Here's a few of the things that struck me, please correct me if I'm wrong- Genesis doesn't tell us when/how God made the angels/spirit beings/spirit realm and all that stuff, it just tells us about the physical realm we live in. The earth itself was created before (or on) the first day and I think it was made totally of water (verse 2). Man's assignment was to work the ground, not just chill on this neat planet God made ;0)
Nothing profound, but let me tell you how blessed my heart is after reading today. Happy New Year everyone!
from excitement, to love, to humilation all on the first day!!!
The excitement of Chapter 1 is balanced by the care and nurture of Chapter 2. God excitedly spoke everything into existence, then with an equal amount of care, He knelt down, picked out the perfect clay, and formed man, then put HIS breath into this very special creation. God then created a woman out of the same clay and used part of the man so we would always be “bone of my bone”. He had a special relationship planned out for man and woman. God didn’t speak me into existence, He carefully and meticulously formed me! That is too awesome to even comprehend!
How sad and humiliating to read Chapter 3. God’s perfect creation – His MASTERPIECE – permanently marred! I can imagine the disappointment in God’s voice, knowing that every time I sin, He feels the same way. Oh how I rejoice that the story doesn’t end here and that I have a Savior to restore me!
from Leigh.....
- leigh said...
God woke me up early this morning so that I could start on this journey with Him. I am so excited and blessed to see what God intends to teach me this year. Today I learned the following lesson: I must listen only to God because He obviously knows what's best for me. When I start to follow my own desires (much like Adam and Eve did) I will fall into sin and a path that God did not intend for me. When I do sin, I must confess it and repent so that I can begin to prosper and live according to God's will for me.
Hello 2010! I can't wait to see what's in store for all of us.